Principal Investigators

Japanese PI

Prof. Dr.

Akira Onoda

Hokkaido University 

Chilean PI

Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

Ronny Martínez  

University of La Serena 

Characterization of  High-value Bioproducts

Valuable bioproducts contained in the fishery waste are characterized by establishing a bioproduct quality assessment method. 

Japanese Leader

Prof. Dr.

Tatsufumi Okino

Hokkaido University 

Chilean Leader

Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

Sebastian Pizarro

University of La Serena,
Chemistry Dept. 


Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

Claudia Bernal

University of La Serena,
Multidisciplinary Research Institute for
Science and Technology,
Food Engineering Dept. 

Prof. Dr. 

Akira Onoda

Hokkaido University 

Assist. Prof Dr. 

Issis Quispe 

University of La Serena,
Multidisciplinary Research
Institute for Science and
Food Engineering Dept. 

Prof. Dr. 

Fadia Tala 

Universidad Católica del Norte,
Marine Biology Dept. 

Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

Pedro Toledo 

Universidad Católica del Norte,
Aquaculture Dept. 


Elsa Uribe

University of La Serena,
Food Engineering Dept. 

Production of High-value Bioproducts

The production methods of the fine bioproducts are established

Japanese Leader


Motomi Okinaka 

Hokkaido Soda Co., ltd. 

Chilean Leader

Assist. Prof Dr. 

Issis Quispe 

University of La Serena,
Multidisciplinary Research
Institute for Science and
Food Engineering Dept. 


Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

Vilbett Briones 

University of La Serena,
Food Engineering Dept. 


Soichiro Ishida 

Hokkaido Soda Co., ltd. 

Prof. Dr.  

Yuichi Kamiya 

Hokkaido University 

Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

Ronny Martínez 

University of La Serena,
Food Engineering Dept. 

Assist. Prof. Dr.  

Masanori Nagao 

National Institute of Technology,
Tomakomai College 

Prof. Dr.  

Kiyotaka Nakajima

Hokkaido University 

Assist. Prof. Dr.

Patricio Orellana

University of La Serena,
Food Engineering Dept.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

Ryoichi Otomo 

Hokkaido University 

Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

Satoshi Suganuma

Hokkaido University


Kazuhiro Tada

Hokkaido Soda Co., ltd.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

Fadia Tala 

Universidad Católica del Norte,
Marine Biology Dept. 

Prof. Dr. 

Antonio Vega

University of La Serena,
Food Engineering Dept.


Kenji Yagi

Hokkaido Soda Co., ltd. 

Collab. Members


DelMar S.A. 

Marcela Guerra


Aris Jeraldo 

Crustanic Ltd. 

Prof. Dr.  

Williams Mauad 

Crustanic Ltd.,


Guillermo Molina 

MASMAR transforma 


Cristian Zamorano 

PVA Spa. 

The new biomaterials synthesized from fine bioproducts are identified/evaluated.

Japanese Leader

Prof. Dr.

Hiroyuki Kono

National Institute of Technology,
Tomakomai College 

Chilean Leader

Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

Claudia Bernal 

University of La Serena,
Multidisciplinary Research
Institute for Science and
Food Engineering Dept. 


Prof. Dr. 

Giuliano Bernal 

Universidad Católica del Norte,
Biomedical Sciences Dept. 

Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Vilbett Briones 

University of La Serena,
Food Engineering Dept. 

Assist. Prof. Dr. 

Sayaka Fujita

National Institute of Technology,
Tomakomai College 

Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

Ronny Martinez 

University of La Serena,
Food Engineering Dept. 


Keiichiro Matsushima 

Hokkaido Research Organization

Prof. Dr.

Akira Onoda

Hokkaido University


Shuichiro Seno

Hokkaido Research Organization

Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Karina Stucken

University of La Serena,
Food Engineering Dept.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

Pedro Toledo 

Universidad Católica del Norte,
Aquaculture Dept. 

The networking of supply chain actors for the fine bioproduct manufacturing is enhanced

Japanese Leader

Prof. Dr.

Hiroyuki Kono

National Institute of Technology,
Tomakomai College 

Chilean Leader

Prof. Dr.

Antonio Vega 

University of La Serena,
Food Engineering Dept. 


Prof. Dr. 

Nibaldo Avilés

University of La Serena,
Civil Works Engineering Dept.

Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Ronny Martinez

University of La Serena,
Food Engineering Dept.

Prof. Dr. 

Akira Onoda

Hokkaido University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. 

Pedro Toledo 

Universidad Católica del Norte,
Aquaculture Dept.

Collab. Members


Guillermo Molina

MASMAR Transforma


Hector Tellez



Osciel Velasquez

MASMAR Transforma,